Home / Our Services / Trips and Courses to England |
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There is no doubt that "Going to England" must be one of the fastest ways of learning English.
In the end if you do a course of four hours a week in a school, this is only 16 hours per month. if on the other hand you are in england you can do 16 hours per day! So it is possible to do one year´s classes in two weeks!
It has the added advantage of being "real" English. It is not the same speaking english to your english teacher (who probably speaks your language too) as speaking English to a butcher, taxidriver, shopkeeper etc. similarly it is not the same speaking English in a classroom as speaking in a shop, bar, taxi, office etc.
These "authentic" situations are obviously very good for your english. In fact they are probably the reason you are learning english in the first place.
People always seem to wotty about where they go in England (or USA,Canada;Ireland etc.) their geographical location. This is a mistake. The people you meet and speak to are far more important than where you are. You can a fantastic time and learn lots of english anywhere in The UK, USA;Canada; Ireland;Scotland; Wales etc. It does not matter where exactly you are but on the experience you have when you are there. You can always go back to do some tourism in London or New York latter.
So be brave get on a plane and travel. You are guaranteed to improve your English and open your mind.
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All information about the courses are in the spanish version of the Web Site.
Please follow this link
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