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Créditos para Formación  



Fondo Social Europeo  



The right to the education has in the professional training a slope of individual meaning and social flood. The professional qualification that provides this training serves so much to the aims as the elevation and level of the quality of life of the people as to those of the economic and social cohesion and the job promotion.

The Statutory law of the Qualifications and the Professional Training has by purpose the creation of a National System of Qualifications and Professional Training that dowry of unit, coherence and effectiveness to the planning, arrangement and administration of this reality. Between its objectives it is facilitating the integration of the different forms of certification and accreditation of the competitions and the professional qualifications.

The professional training includes the set of learning actions that enable for the qualified performance of the diverse professions, job access and the active participation in the cultural, economic and social life.

It includes the own lessons of the initial professional training, the actions of insertion and labor reintegration of the workers, as well as the oriented ones to the continuous training in the companies, that allow to the acquisition and permanent update of the professional competitions.

The Professional Training for the Employment intends to impel and to extend between the companies and the occupied and unemployed workers a formation that responds its necessities and contributes to the development of an economy based on the knowledge.


The Professional Training for the Employment, one of both existing subsystems of Professional Training in Spain, intends the training of the workers unemployed and occupied to improve its professional qualification and personal development.

Training actions of the companies

Acciones formativas de las empresas

ImagenThe companies are those that plan and manage for their employees; they use for its financing the quantity for training that is assigned to each company based on its group.

This training initiative includes also Individual Training Permissions, which they intend the one that the workers can conduct recognized training actions by an official degree, without cost for the company where they serve.

The companies have a credit to finance the training of their employees  whose amount obtains when applying to the quantity entered by each company the previous year, for quota of professional formation, the percentage that annually settles down.


We summarized some of the characteristics this system of subventions of training for employees:

  • Each company will decide and organize the training courses for its personnel, these courses can inside be distributed or outside the company, by internal or external personnel or a company of formation. The courses can be on-site, off-site remote or online..
  • The Companies have a training credit of their workers, being able to be deduced of the Social Insurances the amount destined of the courses.
  • subvencion para trabajadores empleados o autonomos en activoThe companies of 1 to 5 workers have a bonus credit of 420 euros to a period of three years (a worker), two years (two workers) and a year (3 to 5 workers).
  • The rest of companies must make the calculation of the credit by means of this SIMULATOR: Calculator of Subventions
  • The companies can be grouped to organize and to manage of form combines the training of its workers.
  • It is possible to be resorted to an external company in charge to distribute the training as it is our case MONKEY BUSINESS ENGLISH, S.L.
  • The training modalities could be on-set, off-set, Remote and or ONLINE..


Calculator of the quantity of the subventions


Learning credit calculatorFor the calculation of the quantity of the subvention it can use this  Subventions Calculator Simulator





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